Strategic Plan

In March 2023 the Library took steps to begin the strategic plan process, rebuilding and reconnecting with the community after changes and closures due to the pandemic. In April 2023, FastForward Libraries was hired to lead the charge, conducting environmental and library use scans, hosting focus groups and interviews with stakeholders, partner agencies, residents, and officials, and creating a public survey, which was shared in our newsletter, on our website, in-house, and at community events in June 2023. Library staff, Trustees, and our strategic planning committee are proud to share this roadmap with you.


MISSION – We support our community by connecting everyone to information, materials, and experiences that foster a love or reading, learning, and exploration.

VISION – gather. discover. grow.


2013-2020 Strategic Plan
In 2020, Waukegan Public Library successfully completed an its Literacy 2020 Strategic Plan focused on nurturing individual successes to create a cumulative positive impact on the community. The plan was rooted in community needs observed via a 2013 United Way survey and the 2012 WPL environmental scan performed through active engagement of community members by the library’s engagement team. The focus of the plan was on initiatives to support kindergarten readiness, grade-level reading, college and career readiness, and adult learning. The Library is proud of the new services and supports it developed and continues to grow – digital skills workshops, ESL and Citizenship classes, job support, an active and engaging Early Learning Center, community partnerships, school visits, and collections that foster a love of books and reading success across all ages.