
Your Waukegan Public Library card is your ticket to a library that’s open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Through Biblioboard, you can access a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction ebooks with no waiting lists or holds! You can even access Biblioboard without a login (although if you create one, you can access the collection outside the state of Illinois.) Find everything from children’s and young adult fiction to educational resources to classics.


Freading is a fun new way to download eBooks in EPUB or PDF format. Freading is a great resource for nonfiction and children’s books.


Stream movies, TV episodes, music, e-books, e-audiobooks and digital comic books…all for free with your library card! Best of all, there are no holds, no wait list, and no fines with this exciting new service! Just visit www.hoopladigital.com to create an account with your library card and PIN, then download the free hoopla apps for your smartphone, tablet, or smart TV to get started. If you need additional help,  the library has a help page where you can learn How to Use Hoopla.

OverDrive eBooks

The Library’s collection of best-selling and classic eBooks is growing every month. If you’re looking for a title we don’t have you can recommend an eBook for purchase .

Spanish and Portuguese eBook Collection

Access over 9,000 eBooks in Spanish and Portuguese.


Animated storybooks, read-alongs, graphic novels, games, and more for children in Kindergarten through grade 6. Includes some books in Spanish and French.



Storyline Online

Enjoy great children’s stories read by some of your favorite actors!  Storyline Online streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.  Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more.  Stories range from 5 minutes to 21 minutes long.  Storyline Online features books for children in kindergarten through 3rd or 4th grade.

Not a Waukegan Public Library cardholder?

You need an active Waukegan Public Library card to download eBooks or eAudiobooks. If you live in Waukegan and don’t have a library card, get one! If you live outside Waukegan, try contacting your home library to learn about their eBook collection.

Special Information for EPUB eReader Users

If you use a NOOK or other EPUB eReader, you will need to download free software called Adobe Digital Editions and authorize your computer with an Adobe ID to download library eBooks. Follow the links to download the software and create an ID.