Expansion of Onsite Services
Book your appointment for computer use, faxing, printing or scanning by clicking “Computer Booking” below. For appointments with a librarian (virtually or by phone) and notary services click “Service Booking.” You can also make an appointment by calling 847-775-2538.
ESL and literacy tutoring, Conversational ESL, Digital Literacy, Health Literacy, and GED in Spanish are available as virtual programming. Curbside Pickup services will continue at the Main Library, to learn more visit waukeganpl.org/curbside.
Making an Appointment
Important Information
- Masks will be required to enter the library and must be worn properly
- Social distancing guidelines will be followed (6 feet between visitors)
- WPL staff will be wearing masks and/or face shields
- Plexiglass shields at public service desks and computer stations
- No seating available (This includes access to classrooms and/or study rooms)
- Increased cleanliness
- Hand sanitizer stations readily available
- Computers and other shared stations will be cleaned after each use.