Museum Passes
Explore More Illinois
What is Explore More Illinois?
Explore More Illinois is a free service provided by your library that provides instant online access to free and discounted tickets to museums, science centers, sporting events, zoos, park districts, theatres, and other fun and local cultural venues.
How do I get a Pass?
Log in with your library card credentials and browse for passes by date or attractions. Make your reservation and print or download your pass shortly before your visit. You can have two active reservations per library card. Please cancel your reservation(s) if unable to attend, otherwise the reservation will count as being used. Remember that once you print or download your pass you cannot cancel your reservation.
Get Started Here:
Questions? Let us know! Call 847-623-2041.
Museum Adventure Pass Program
Visit your Waukegan Public Library, then visit an area museum for FREE! The Museum Adventure Pass offers free or reduced admission to some of Illinois’ most popular attractions, including the Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Botanic Garden and the new Bess Bower Dunn Museum of Lake County in Libertyville!
To get your free museum pass, visit the Adult Reference Desk at the Main Library anytime during library hours. Quantities of passes are limited and given on a first-come, first-served basis. Some important things to remember about your Museum Adventure Pass Program:
- Passes are valid for one week from the date they are checked out. If not used within one week, your pass will automatic
ally expire.
- Each family may check out only one pass per week.
- Due to limited supply, passes may only be checked out by Waukegan Public Library cardholders. If your library card was issued by another library, call or visit your home library for more information on the Museum Adventure Pass Program.
- Different museums offer different privileges with your Museum Pass. Some offer free admission for one person, others free parking, and still others offer free admission for the whole family. Visit the Adult Reference Desk or for more details.
Click here to download the latest brochure in English.
Click here to download the latest brochure in Spanish.
This special opportunity is made possible by your Waukegan Public Library and the other participating cultural organizations.